Thursday, March 22, 2007


I was flipping channels I just saw a little commentary by an obviously Republican "Good Ol' Boy" who was saying that Global Warming is caused by the sun getting hotter so decreasing car emissions isn't going to change anything. Um, I'm sorry but Global Warming is not about the sun "getting hotter." He even said that "Mainstream Scientists" were disagreeing. Well, no wonder!



At 8:12 AM, Blogger Emma said...

Hee! Caused by the sun getting hotter? Whoah--stop with all the details!

At 10:06 AM, Blogger jenfromRI said...

Oh good lord.

At 11:16 AM, Blogger Bridget said...

What do you expect from the party of Ronald Regan, who said that smog was caused by trees?....


At 4:49 PM, Blogger pantoufle said...

I work in an industry that has a lot of falsities that surround it. That being said, I work with a lot of engineers who don't beleieve in global warming becuase they themselves don't understand the issues and I can't beleive it. I always tell them, "Well, what if it is true? Do you want to be the generation that ignored it? Plus how is being more enery effecient, having cleaner air, and recyling hurting anybody?"

At 7:00 PM, Blogger Tara said...

I'm afraid to ask if it was Inhofe, one of Oklahoma's many embarassments

At 8:26 PM, Blogger Krista said...

You know, the show was on ABC early this morning. Is there some kind of conservative news program on then? I have kids at home so I never watch TV in the mornings unless it's PBS Kids!

At 7:37 AM, Blogger Bev said...

Yes Tara, I believe it was Inhofe. I did love the way Barbara Boxer "reminded" him that he does make the rules anymore!

At 7:37 AM, Blogger Bev said...

make that does NOT make the rules fingers are still asleep!

At 9:46 AM, Blogger Kate A. said...

I remember sitting in a sixth grade classroom after some typically spectacular display of stupidity and ignorance on the part of my classmates, and thinking, "what is the world going to be like when these people can VOTE?!"

Now I know.

At 12:32 PM, Blogger teabird said...

The sun is getting **hotter**? Too funny. I can't stand it! Whomever said that must be the supernova of ignorance -
(And let's not forget that the party of Ronald Reagan also thought ketchup was a vegetable...)

At 1:40 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Why are you all scoffing at the idea of the sun getting hotter? The sun IS getting hotter, and is emitting more radiation than it has in 1000 years. My saying this in no way means I don't care about the environment. We don't know which of the many causes of global temperature fluctuation is the main contributor to global warming, but we do know that we should keep our planet clean regardless.

At 1:49 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

90% of people laughed like you all are when someone suggested that the earth orbits the sun. They also laughed when someone suggested the world was round. Let's try to figure out the truth, instead of making statements like this:

"I remember sitting in a sixth grade classroom after some typically spectacular display of stupidity and ignorance on the part of my classmates, and thinking, "what is the world going to be like when these people can VOTE?!""

Your closed mindedness is glaring.


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