Sunday, February 03, 2008

Anne Coulter would support Hillary over McCain?!

I can't believe I heard this, but yes, its true!

Kay Dennison over at Kay's Thinking Cap, put up a clip of a Hannity & Colmes segment where Coulter is talking about it. Use this link and scroll down to the bottom of the post to check it out.


Saturday, February 02, 2008

Getting Ready for Super Tuesday!

Kitteh sez "Vote Blue!"

Cat Sweater (or a small dog)
Yarn: Encore Plymoth
Needle: Size 8 Addi
Pattern: my own

Almost Here

So are we excited about Super Tuesday yet?

Today in Tulsa there was a whole mess of Huckabee supporters out waving signs at the biggest intersection in town. Well, a whole mess of Huckabee supporters and two Obama supporters. We gave the thumbs-down to the Hucks and honked and waved to the Obamas. That was kind of fun.

I can't figure out how to link to my post about the Contest, so search the archives for "contest" or look through the posts from June, 2007, to find the rules. I've had only a couple of guesses, and there's still time to get in there and make a guess. Sock yarn is on the line here, people!

Also, let's see some blue projects!

Oh please....

Just when you thought things couldn't get any crazier.