Saturday, January 13, 2007

At long last!

Thanks Emma, for helping me finally get "hooked up" with Knit Blue!

This is the picture of a pretty weak blue stash....and most of it could have been part of Nancy's blog, since she generously shared what she had with me!

This was the latest blue knitting off my needles.

I love my swiffer, but the idea of throwing away the pads was definately not "green", so I knit these two as "test patterns". The idea was to see if it made any difference in the efficiency of picking up dog hair, dirt, etc., between the two patterns. I can report there is not.

These were made mostly of yarn that had previously been a sweater that had stretched out too much to be worn, so I ravelled it out and reused the yarn for these and a number of hot mats (more "green" knitting!)

Now that I'm connected, I'll try to pop in with some political content from time to time!


At 4:30 PM, Blogger Marianne said...

Well, that first comment is rather on the creepy side,eh? sheesh.
Hey Bev, Welcome! and what a great idea...the knitted pads for the swiffer...what kind of yarn did you use? a cotton, or wool, or what? I would definitely make me some of those out of the 'left-overs'.

At 10:58 PM, Blogger Nancy G said...

I'll be happy to share some more of that monstrous blue stash, Sis!

At 7:44 AM, Blogger Bev said...

Marianne, I quite agree....who let that person in? The swiffer covers are knit out of cotton which makes for nice washing -- just toss them into the bleach load with the towels! The pattern is based on the Mason Dixon "Warsh Cloths" cut down to size.

Thanks, Nancy, I'll keep that in mind!

At 8:41 PM, Blogger lobstah said...

Great idea!


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