actual blue knitting!
I know my usual posting here is of the political type, but just now I'm having "election fatigue"!
I have been knitting in blue however.
Thanks to a very generous sister, I have wool yarn to make up into things that are going to a couple of charities.
this cute little sweater vest will be going to Warm Woolies, a charity group that sends wool vests and hats and socks to kids in cold places, especially orphanages and Indian reservations
this was my first sweater vest (I've made several hats, just none of them blue!)
and these (from the same yarn) are for a challenge that Ann over at Sheep Shots is running. If you go to her post for March 23, 2008, she explains the "Mittnz Roolz", and this has been a lot of fun too
Happy knittin' y'all
I love that you are knitting for charity. It's a great thing to do.
I highly recommend that every knitter do some of this -- who doesn't have a few scraps of something laying around, or a skein of something in the stash that falls into the catagory of "what WAS I thinking?" -- use those up, do something for someone less fortunate that you -- you'll feel good for it!!
Thanks for the link to Warm Woolies. How wonderful to know that your knitting is really going to help someone. Nice vest and mittens.
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